Source code for sfopenboson.ops

# Copyright 2018 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This file contains the Strawberry Fields quantum operations
that decompose the BosonOperator and QuadOperator from OpenFermion.

These operations are used directly in BlackBird code, complementing
existing operations.

For example:

.. code-block:: python

    prog = sf.Program(3)
    eng = sf.Engine("gaussian")

    H1 = BosonOperator('0^ 0')
    H2 = QuadOperator('q0 p0') + QuadOperator('p0 q0') - QuadOperator('p2 p2')

    with prog.context as q:
        GaussianPropagation(H1) | q[0]
        GaussianPropagation(H2, t=0.5, 'global') | q

    state =

The global argument indicates to Strawberry Fields that the Hamiltonian
should be applied to the entire register, with the operator indices
indicating the mode the operator acts on.

If 'global' is not provided, it is assumed that the Hamiltonian
should only be applied locally, to the qumodes specified on the right.
In this case, the number of operator indices must match the number of
qumodes the Hamiltonian is applied to.

To see the gates applied, simply run ``eng.print_applied()``:

>>> eng.print_applied()
Rgate(-1)   | (q[0])
Rgate(-0.3927)  | (q[2])
BSgate(-1.571, 0)   | (q[1], q[2])
Rgate(-3.142)   | (q[0])
Sgate(-2, 3.142)    | (q[0])
Sgate(-0.8814, 3.142)   | (q[1])
Rgate(-1.963)   | (q[1])
BSgate(-1.571, 0)   | (q[1], q[2])
Rgate(3.142)    | (q[0])

Blackbird quantum operations

.. autosummary::

Code details
# pylint: disable=abstract-method,too-many-branches,too-many-arguments

import sys

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import expm, inv

from openfermion.ops import QuadOperator, BosonOperator
from openfermion.transforms import get_quad_operator, get_boson_operator
from openfermion.utils import is_hermitian, prune_unused_indices

import strawberryfields as sf
import strawberryfields.program_utils as pu
from strawberryfields.ops import (BSgate,
from strawberryfields.program_utils import Command
from strawberryfields.backends.shared_ops import sympmat

from strawberryfields.circuitspecs import GaussianSpecs, FockSpecs, TFSpecs

from .auxillary import trotter_layer, quadratic_coefficients

[docs]class GaussianPropagation(Decomposition): r"""Propagate the specified qumodes by a bosonic Gaussian Hamiltonian. A Gaussian Hamiltonian is any combination of quadratic operators that can be written in quadratic form: .. math:: H = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{r}^T A\mathbf{r} + \mathbf{r}^T \mathbf{d} where: * :math:`A\in\mathbb{R}^{2N\times 2N}` is a symmetric matrix, * :math:`\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{2N}` is a real vector, and * :math:`\mathbf{r} = (\x_1,\dots,\x_N,\p_1,\dots,\p_N)` is the vector of quadrature operators in :math:`xp`-ordering. This operation calculates the corresponding Gaussian symplectic transformation via the following relation: .. math:: S = e^{\Omega A t} where .. math:: \Omega=\begin{bmatrix}0&I_N\\-I_N&0\end{bmatrix}\in\mathbb{R}^{2N\times 2N} is the symplectic matrix. Depending on whether the resulting symplectic transformation is passive (energy preserving) or active (non-energy preserving), the Clements or Bloch-Messiah decomposition in Strawberry Fields is then used to decompose the Hamiltonian into a set of CV gates. Args: operator (BosonOperator, QuadOperator): a bosonic Gaussian Hamiltonian t (float): the time propagation value. If not provided, default value is 1. mode (str): By default, ``mode='local'`` and the Hamiltonian is assumed to apply to only the applied qumodes (q[i], q[j],...). For instance, a_0 applies to q[i], a_1 applies to q[j]. If instead ``mode='global'``, the Hamiltonian is instead applied to the entire register, i.e., a_0 applies to q[0], applies to q[1], etc. """ ns = None def __init__(self, operator, t=1, mode='local'): super().__init__([t]) if not is_hermitian(operator): raise ValueError("Hamiltonian must be Hermitian.") if mode == 'local': quad_operator = prune_unused_indices(operator) elif mode == 'global': quad_operator = operator if isinstance(quad_operator, BosonOperator): quad_operator = get_quad_operator(quad_operator, hbar=sf.hbar) A, d = quadratic_coefficients(quad_operator) if mode == 'local': self.ns = A.shape[0]//2 elif mode == 'global': # pylint: disable=protected-access self.ns = pu.Program_current_context.num_subsystems if A.shape[0] < 2*self.ns: # expand the quadratic coefficient matrix to take # into account the extra modes A_n = A.shape[0]//2 tmp = np.zeros([2*self.ns, 2*self.ns]) tmp[:A_n, :A_n] = A[:A_n, :A_n] tmp[:A_n, self.ns:self.ns+A_n] = A[:A_n, A_n:] tmp[self.ns:self.ns+A_n, :A_n] = A[A_n:, :A_n] tmp[self.ns:self.ns+A_n, self.ns:self.ns+A_n] = A[A_n:, A_n:] A = tmp self.S = expm(sympmat(self.ns) @ A * t) self.disp = False if not np.all(d == 0.): self.disp = True if np.all(A == 0.): self.d = d*t else: if np.linalg.cond(A) >= 1/sys.float_info.epsilon: # the matrix is singular, add a small epsilon eps = 1e-9 epsI = eps * np.identity(2*self.ns) s = inv(A+epsI) @ d tmp = (np.identity(2*self.ns) \ - expm(sympmat(self.ns) @ (A+epsI) * t).T) @ s / eps else: s = inv(A) @ d tmp = s - self.S.T @ s self.d = np.zeros([2*self.ns]) self.d[self.ns:] = tmp[:self.ns] self.d[:self.ns] = tmp[self.ns:]
[docs] def decompose(self, reg): """Return the decomposed commands""" cmds = [] cmds += [Command(GaussianTransform(self.S), reg)] if self.disp: cmds += [Command(Xgate(x), reg) for x in self.d[:self.ns] if x != 0.] cmds += [Command(Zgate(z), reg) for z in self.d[self.ns:] if z != 0.] return cmds
[docs]class BoseHubbardPropagation(Decomposition): r"""Propagate the specified qumodes by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian has the form .. math:: H = -J\sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^N A_{ij} \ad_i\a_j + \frac{1}{2}U\sum_{i=1}^N \a_i^\dagger \a_i (\ad_i \a_i - 1) - \mu \sum_{i=1}^N \ad_i \a_i + V \sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^N A_{ij} \ad_i \a_i \ad_j \a_j. where: * :math:`A` is a real symmetric matrix of ones and zeros defining the adjacency of each pairwise combination of nodes :math:`(i,j)` in the :math:`N`-node system, * :math:`J` represents the transfer integral or hopping term of the boson between nodes, * :math:`U` is the on-site interaction potential, * :math:`\mu` is the chemical potential, * :math:`V` is the dipole-dipole or nearest neighbour interaction term. BoseHubbard Hamiltonians can be generated using the BosonOperator manually, or on a (periodic/non-peridic) two-dimensional lattice via the function ``openfermion.hamiltonians.bose_hubbard`` (see the `OpenFermion documentation <>`_). In Strawberry Fields, the Bose-Hubbard propagation is performed by applying the Lie-product formula, and decomposing the unitary operations into a combination of beamsplitters, Kerr gates, and phase-space rotations. Args: operator (BosonOperator, QuadOperator): a bosonic Gaussian Hamiltonian t (float): the time propagation value. If not provided, default value is 1. k (int): the number of products in the truncated Lie product formula. mode (str): By default, ``mode='local'`` and the Hamiltonian is assumed to apply to only the applied qumodes (q[i], q[j],...). For instance, a_0 applies to q[i], a_1 applies to q[j]. If instead ``mode='global'``, the Hamiltonian is instead applied to the entire register, i.e., a_0 applies to q[0], applies to q[1], etc. """ ns = None def __init__(self, operator, t=1, k=20, mode='local'): super().__init__([t]) if not is_hermitian(operator): raise ValueError("Hamiltonian must be Hermitian.") if (not isinstance(k, int)) or k <= 0: raise ValueError("Argument k must be a postive integer.") if mode == 'local': boson_operator = prune_unused_indices(operator) elif mode == 'global': boson_operator = operator if isinstance(boson_operator, QuadOperator): boson_operator = get_boson_operator(boson_operator, hbar=sf.hbar) self.layer = trotter_layer(boson_operator, t, k) self.num_layers = k num_modes = max([op[0] for term in operator.terms for op in term])+1 if mode == 'local': self.ns = num_modes elif mode == 'global': # pylint: disable=protected-access self.ns = pu.Program_current_context.num_subsystems
[docs] def decompose(self, reg): # make BS gate theta = self.layer['BS'][0] phi = self.layer['BS'][1] BS = BSgate(theta, phi) # make cross-Kerr gate CK = None param = self.layer.get('CK', [0])[0] if param != 0: CK = CKgate(param) # make Kerr gate K = None param = self.layer.get('K', [0])[0] if param != 0: K = Kgate(param) # make rotation gate R = None param = self.layer.get('R', [0])[0] if param != 0: R = Rgate(param) cmds = [] for i in range(self.num_layers): #pylint: disable=unused-variable for q0, q1 in self.layer['BS'][2]: cmds.append(Command(BS, (reg[q0], reg[q1]))) if CK is not None: for q0, q1 in self.layer['CK'][1]: cmds.append(Command(CK, (reg[q0], reg[q1]))) if K is not None: for mode in self.layer['K'][1]: cmds.append(Command(K, reg[mode])) if R is not None: for mode in self.layer['R'][1]: cmds.append(Command(R, reg[mode])) return cmds
GaussianSpecs.decompositions.update({"GaussianPropagation": {}}) FockSpecs.decompositions.update({"BoseHubbardPropagation": {}, "GaussianPropagation": {}}) TFSpecs.decompositions.update({"BoseHubbardPropagation": {}, "GaussianPropagation": {}})