Source code for sfopenboson.hamiltonians.gates

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r"""Gates module"""
import numpy as np

from openfermion.ops import BosonOperator, QuadOperator

[docs]def displacement(alpha, mode=0, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the displacement operation. The time evolution unitary associated with displacement is .. math:: D(\alpha) = \exp( \alpha \ad -\alpha^* \a) = \exp(r (e^{i\phi}\ad -e^{-i\phi}\a)) where :math:`\alpha=r e^{i \phi}` with :math:`r \geq 0` and :math:`\phi \in [0,2 \pi)`. Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = {i}{\hbar}(e^{i\phi}\ad -e^{-i\phi}\a)` and :math:`t=r`. Args: a (complex): the displacement in the phase space mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts hbar (float): the scaling convention chosen in the definition of the quadrature operators: :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` Returns: tuple (BosonOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ if alpha == 0.: return BosonOperator(''), 0 r = np.abs(alpha) phi = np.angle(alpha) H = BosonOperator('{}^'.format(mode), np.exp(1j*phi)) H -= BosonOperator('{}'.format(mode), np.exp(-1j*phi)) return 1j*H*hbar, r
[docs]def xdisplacement(x, mode=0): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the :math:`x` displacement operation. The time evolution unitary associated with :math:`x` displacement is .. math:: X(x) = \exp(-ix\p/\hbar) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = \p` and :math:`t=x`. Args: x (float): the position displacement in the phase space mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts Returns: tuple (QuadOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return QuadOperator('p{}'.format(mode)), x
[docs]def zdisplacement(p, mode=0): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the :math:`p` displacement operation. The time evolution unitary associated with :math:`p` displacement is .. math:: X(x) = \exp(ip\x/\hbar) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H =-\x` and :math:`t=p`. Args: p (float): the position displacement in the phase space mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts Returns: tuple (QuadOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return -QuadOperator('q{}'.format(mode)), p
[docs]def rotation(phi, mode=0, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the rotation operation. The time evolution unitary associated with rotation is .. math:: R(\phi) = \exp\left(i \phi \ad \a\right) =\exp\left(i \frac{\phi}{2} \left(\frac{\x^2+ \p^2}{\hbar}-I\right)\right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = -\hbar\ad\a` and :math:`t=\phi`. Args: phi (float): the rotation angle mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts hbar (float): the scaling convention chosen in the definition of the quadrature operators: :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` Returns: tuple (BosonOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return -BosonOperator('{}^ {}'.format(mode, mode))*hbar, phi
[docs]def squeezing(r, phi=0, mode=0, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the squeezing operation. The time evolution unitary associated with squeezing is .. math:: S(r,\phi) = \exp\left(\frac{r}{2}\left(e^{-i\phi}\a^2 -e^{i\phi}{\ad}^{2} \right) \right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = \frac{i\hbar}{2}\left(e^{-i\phi}\a^2 -e^{i\phi}{\ad}^{2}\right)` and :math:`t=r`. Args: r (float): the squeezing magnitude phi (float): the quadrature angle in which the squeezing occurs. :math:`\phi=0` corresponds to squeezing in the :math:`\x` quadrature, and :math:`\phi=\pi/2` corresponds to squeezing in the :math:`\p` quadrature. mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts hbar (float): the scaling convention chosen in the definition of the quadrature operators: :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` Returns: tuple (BosonOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ H = BosonOperator('{} {}'.format(mode, mode), np.exp(-1j*phi)) H -= BosonOperator('{}^ {}^'.format(mode, mode), np.exp(1j*phi)) return (1j/2)*H*hbar, r
[docs]def quadratic_phase(s=1, mode=0): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the quadratic phase operation. The time evolution unitary associated with the quadratic phase is .. math:: P(s) = \exp\left(i \frac{s}{2 \hbar} \x^2\right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = -\x^2/2` and :math:`t=s`. Args: s (float): the quadratic phase parameter mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts Returns: tuple (QuadOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return -QuadOperator('q{} q{}'.format(mode, mode))/2, s
[docs]def beamsplitter(theta=np.pi/4, phi=0, mode1=0, mode2=1, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the beamsplitter operation. The time evolution unitary associated with the beamsplitter is .. math:: B(\theta,\phi) = \exp\left(\theta (e^{i \phi} \ad_0 \a_1 - e^{-i \phi}\a_0 \ad_1) \right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H(\phi) = {i}{\hbar}\left(e^{i \phi} \ad_0 \a_1 - e^{-i \phi}\a_0 \ad_1\right)` and :math:`t=\theta`. Args: theta (float): transmitivity angle :math:`\theta` where :math:`t=\cos(\theta)` phi (float): phase angle :math:`\phi` where :math:`r=e^{i\phi}\sin(\theta)` mode1 (int): the first qumode :math:`\a_0` on which the operation acts mode2 (int): the second qumode :math:`\a_1` on which the operation acts hbar (float): the scaling convention chosen in the definition of the quadrature operators: :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` Returns: tuple (BosonOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ H = BosonOperator('{}^ {}'.format(mode1, mode2), np.exp(1j*(np.pi-phi))) H += BosonOperator('{} {}^'.format(mode1, mode2), -np.exp(-1j*(np.pi-phi))) return 1j*H*hbar, theta
[docs]def two_mode_squeezing(r, phi=0, mode1=0, mode2=1, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the two-mode squeezing operation. The time evolution unitary associated with two-mode squeezing is .. math:: S_2(r,\phi) = \exp\left(r\left(e^{-i\phi}\a_0 \a_1 -e^{i\phi}{\ad_0} \ad_1 \right) \right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = {i}{\hbar}\left(e^{-i\phi}\a_0 \a_1 -e^{i\phi}{\ad_0} \ad_1\right)` and :math:`t=r`. Args: r (float): the squeezing magnitude phi (float): the quadrature in which the squeezing occurs. :math:`\phi=0` corresponds to squeezing in the :math:`\x` quadrature, and :math:`\phi=\pi/2` corresponds to squeezing in the :math:`\p` quadrature. mode1 (int): the first qumode :math:`\a_0` on which the operation acts mode2 (int): the second qumode :math:`\a_1` on which the operation acts hbar (float): the scaling convention chosen in the definition of the quadrature operators: :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` Returns: tuple (BosonOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ H = BosonOperator('{} {}'.format(mode1, mode2), np.exp(-1j*(np.pi+phi))) H -= BosonOperator('{}^ {}^'.format(mode1, mode2), np.exp(1j*(np.pi+phi))) return 1j*H*hbar, r
[docs]def controlled_addition(s=1, mode1=0, mode2=1): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the controlled addition operation. The time evolution unitary associated with controlled addition is .. math:: CX(s) = \exp\left( -i \frac{s}{\hbar}\x_0\otimes \p_1 \right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H =\x_0\otimes \p_1` and :math:`t=s`. Args: s (float): the controlled addition parameter mode1 (int): the first qumode :math:`\a_0` on which the operation acts mode2 (int): the second qumode :math:`\a_1` on which the operation acts Returns: tuple (QuadOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return QuadOperator('q{} p{}'.format(mode1, mode2)), s
[docs]def controlled_phase(s=1, mode1=0, mode2=1): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the controlled phase operation. The time evolution unitary associated with controlled phase is .. math:: CZ(s) = \exp\left( i \frac{s}{\hbar}\x_0\otimes \x_1 \right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = -\x_0\otimes \x_1` and :math:`t=s`. Args: s (float): the controlled addition parameter mode1 (int): the first qumode :math:`\a_0` on which the operation acts mode2 (int): the second qumode :math:`\a_1` on which the operation acts Returns: tuple (QuadOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return -QuadOperator('q{} q{}'.format(mode1, mode2)), s
[docs]def cubic_phase(gamma=1, mode=0): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the cubic phase operation. The time evolution unitary associated with the cubic phase is .. math:: V(\gamma) = \exp\left(i \frac{\gamma}{3 \hbar} \x^3\right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = -\x^3/3` and :math:`t=\gamma`. Args: gamma (float): the cubic phase parameter mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts Returns: tuple (QuadOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return -QuadOperator('q{} q{} q{}'.format(mode, mode, mode))/3, gamma
[docs]def kerr(kappa=1, mode=0, hbar=2): r"""Returns the Hamiltonian of the Kerr operation. The time evolution unitary associated with the Kerr gate is .. math:: K(\kappa) = \exp\left(i \kappa \hat{n}^2 \right) Therefore, :math:`U=e^{-iHt/\hbar}` where :math:`H = -\hat{n}^2\hbar=-(\ad \a)^2\hbar` and :math:`t=\kappa`. Args: kappa (float): the Kerr parameter mode (int): the qumode on which the operation acts hbar (float): the scaling convention chosen in the definition of the quadrature operators: :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` Returns: tuple (BosonOperator, t): tuple containing the Hamiltonian representing the operation and the propagation time """ return -BosonOperator('{}^ {} {}^ {}'.format(mode, mode, mode, mode))*hbar, kappa