.. _installation: Installation and Downloads ########################## Dependencies ------------- SFOpenBoson depends on the following Python packages: * `Strawberry Fields `_ >=0.11 * `OpenFermion `_ >=0.7 These can be installed using pip, or, if on linux, using your package manager (i.e., ``apt`` if on a Debian-based system.) Installation ------------ Installation of SFOpenBoson, as well as all required Python packages mentioned above, can be done using pip: :: $ python -m pip install sfopenboson Software tests -------------- To ensure that the SFOpenBoson plugin is working correctly after installation, the test suite can be run by navigating to the source code folder and running: :: $ make test Documentation ------------- The SFOpenBoson documentation is built automatically and hosted at `Read the Docs `_. To build the documentation locally, the following additional packages are required: * `Sphinx `_ >=1.5 * `sphinxcontrib-bibtex `_ >=0.3.6 These can be installed via ``pip``: :: $ python -m pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex --user To build the HTML documentation, go to the top-level directory and run the command :: $ make doc The documentation can then be found in the ``docs/_build/html/`` directory.